You’re interested in sustainable development, you’re interested in ecology, then this blog of reflections and presentations of facts will interest you !
This ecology primer aims to open the doors to different topics that make up the ecology. It also has the ambition to give some views on these subjects from a senior’s point of view; therefore he is certainly subjective. A resolutely cross-cutting approach has been restraint.
Another objective is to enrich this ecology primer with your contributions and thus share other points of view. Your comments are welcome and will either be incorporated into the article, either published as new articles, or published in the form of comments.
Rather than copying existing articles indefinitely, this primer provides a framework that organizes access to Internet resources such as as videos, articles, etc. The pedagogical quality of the resources and their added value are the selection criteria for these resources.
The alphabet form will allow the reader to browse and thus escape from an overly academic form.
You’ll be doing the planet a service by contributing to the enrichment of the Blog with your comments and suggestions or by referencing it in social networks.
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